Sunday, December 13, 2009

Making a Joyful Noise!


December 20th, Open House @ the Parsonage, 1-3pm

CHRISTMAS EVE service will be at 7:00pm on December 24th.
All are welcome.

Over 30 members of the Winnemucca United Methodist Church enjoyed an afternoon of caroling on Sunday, the 13th of December.

We donned, hats and mittens and warm coats...there was lots of singing, much laughter and great fellowship.

Following is a pictorial summary of our wonderful afternoon of fellowship and no particular order.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



The word of the season is: slow down. Slow down. I think God can still work us when in our energizer bunny (I know, wrong season) mode; I fear I will miss the quietness and the joy of the season if I don't take moments to savor the mystery, the miracles and the wonder of this time of year.

Find opportunities this season to savor the moments. It might be finding quiet moments at home, thoughtfully reading Christmas cards received, lovingly wrapping gifts or quiet time with scripture or other meaningful text. While many of you may not be up for 7am contemplative prayer on Tuesdays, open to the book of Psalms, read one, listen for a verse or phrase that lights up for you and let that be your prayer for the day. Find some silence this season as you prepare for God's "birthday" as Jonathan told us last Sunday.
Discover what will be born in you this season. God waits for you.

Blessings of this season and wonder of new life,

Pastor Gayle

FLIP SIDE! Theological perspectives

Sinners and Saints the Methodist view:
According to Wesley we are all saints and sinners at the same time!
Wesley believed that sin is a human problem that cannot be "fixed by humanity." Sin is the "spiritual forces of wickedness" and "evil powers of this world." Individuals commit sins--outwardly or inwardly as well as participate in structural social sin, e.g. racism.

While considered sinners, the universal, saving grace of God has been given to everyone. However, one must be awakened to the idea that one needs God, one is guilty and we are unable to solve our problem of sin alone.

Sanctification--holiness--requires Christians to be on guard 24-7 against "spiritual pride" and be "victorious over every temptation." Sanctification is something God does in every person by God's grace through faith. As believers, we trust four things; God has promised it; God is able to do it; God is able and willing to do it now; God does it and we feel the "fulfillment of biblical promise."

Saints and Sinners the Lutheran View:
*We are all saints and sinners at the same time!

*Sin is not just a label for our actions that are considered sinful, but sin in an evil force in our lives that we must remain aware of and constantly combat.

*In effect, our sins are never truly gone until we die. In the meantime, we constantly work at healing our sinful nature.

*Sin rules in use when we yield to it, but it serves us when we resist it because we grow to hate sinful temptations. Attacks of pride make us more humble and attacks of anger make us more gentle when we are working at healing our sinful nature by resisting sin.

*We do not deny or doubt that we are holy, but we credit our holiness solely to the will of God through Christ Jesus. Saintliness is not something we earn by doing good works, we have received it by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. This process of receiving holiness through Christ is called sanctification.

United Methodist Women News

"The Fisherman" by Larry Hunt Sperger is the winter book choice for our quarterly book club (all women of the church are invited to join in the book club), chosen by Denise Dolphin. Discussion date will be announced at a later date.

It has arrived! The Bazaar is December 5th from 8-2. Chair, Susan Rorex needs all hands to create and/or work the event. Letty Norcut is the chair of the bake sale and will gladly accept your fresh baked goods. Please price your donations of crafts and food prior to delivery, this is a great help to organizers. For those who work the event (and friends) a hot lunch will be provided.

December 12th is the Prayer Pal Revealing Potluck Lunch at Susan Rorex's. All women of the church are invited to attend. If you do not have a Prayer Pal and would like to be included in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift to exchange. New Prayer Pals will be assigned at the luncheon. If you wish to participate in the 2010 Prayer Pal Program, please contact Theresa Mavity.

The new officers for 2010 are at the ready--they are:

Debbie Stone, President

Denise Dolphin, Vice President

Mary Beene, Treasurer

Theresa Mavity, Secretary

Please give them your support as they carry the traditions of UMW. The first organizational meeting of the year will be Jan 9th, 2010 at 10am. There will be a budget presentation and review. Dates and activities for the year will also be discussed. This is an important meeting and we hope to see you there.

All the women (and some youth and men) of the church made 2009 a very successful year. I thank each and everyone of you for your generous contributions of time, talent and support and spirit. Keep up the good work!

Peace be with you, Trudy Rollison, Outgoing UMW President


Treasurer's Report

Monthly Budget needs: $8,333.92

October offerings
10/4 $2568.00
10/11 $2871.00
10/18 $2637.29
10/25 $2077.66

Oct. Totals $10,153.95

November offerings
11/1 $1127.25
11/8 $1858.45
11/15 $1093.62

We have paid a total of #3,167 toward the Pastor Pension portion of our apportionments,and the remainng balance is $1,610. There was $1,500 designated for the pension fund in October, but only $170 so far for November with 2 Sundays remaining.

Remember the challenge--only $25 per 40 families per month and we will have met the pastor pension portion of our obligation.
As always, if you have any questions or wish to see the montly financial statement, please feel free to callme at 623-4183.

Letty Norcutt