Sunday, October 24, 2010

A short message from the Pastor

A meditation from W. M. Wright sent to me and shared with you as we are ending our week and looking toward Sunday when we gather in God's name. Whatever your week has been like, with all its challenges, surprises or everydayness, please take time for sabbath...

Sabbath time. Sabbatical time. Jubilee time. Time to rest, to delight in what is given, to breathe in the beauty.

Time to be fallow, to heal wounds, forgive, regenerate. Time to restore the world to its primal pattern. Time to anticipate a new world in which justice, mercy and peace truly flourish. Time that anticipates the end and fullness of all time when tears, mourning and death itself will yield to the bountiful, blooming garden of God's own time.

Pastor Gayle


The Choir is looking a bit thin!  No, they haven't been on a diet, they have lost a few members due to winter (snowbirds) and other reasons, so the choir is having a membership drive!   They are inviting YOU to join.
Choir practice is held on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

They are also looking for a 'drum player' for the Christmas season. This would be a hand-held type of drum, like a bongo.
Contact Choir Director Laura Pike for more info.

Pledge cards will be arriving in the mail soon for 2011.  Please prayerfully consider what you can give and be sure and turn it back in to the church.
It matters not if you can give  'one dollar bill' or 'a billion dollars'...  what matters is making a budget.   The finance committee needs  numbers to work with, to build a budget.
Please keep their task in your prayers.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Stockholders Banquet

On Saturday, October 2nd, members of the congregation, who bought stock in the  Youth Group previously in the year, were treated to a banquet by the Youth to thank them for their support and  help  in sending them on different mission trips this past spring and summer.   The congreation were treated to a sit-down dinner of Tri-tip, baked potatoes, salad, vegetable, roll and dessert, not to mention entertainment too.  Jeanette Jones  delighted the diners with her accomplished piano playing during the evening.

We all should take great pleasure and pride in the involvement and commitment of our Youth Group.  Albeit small, they can move mountains with their faith.