Sunday, December 13, 2009
Making a Joyful Noise!
December 20th, Open House @ the Parsonage, 1-3pm
CHRISTMAS EVE service will be at 7:00pm on December 24th.
All are welcome.
Over 30 members of the Winnemucca United Methodist Church enjoyed an afternoon of caroling on Sunday, the 13th of December.
We donned, hats and mittens and warm coats...there was lots of singing, much laughter and great fellowship.
Following is a pictorial summary of our wonderful afternoon of fellowship and no particular order.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The word of the season is: slow down. Slow down. I think God can still work us when in our energizer bunny (I know, wrong season) mode; I fear I will miss the quietness and the joy of the season if I don't take moments to savor the mystery, the miracles and the wonder of this time of year.
Find opportunities this season to savor the moments. It might be finding quiet moments at home, thoughtfully reading Christmas cards received, lovingly wrapping gifts or quiet time with scripture or other meaningful text. While many of you may not be up for 7am contemplative prayer on Tuesdays, open to the book of Psalms, read one, listen for a verse or phrase that lights up for you and let that be your prayer for the day. Find some silence this season as you prepare for God's "birthday" as Jonathan told us last Sunday.
Discover what will be born in you this season. God waits for you.
Blessings of this season and wonder of new life,
Pastor Gayle
FLIP SIDE! Theological perspectives
Sinners and Saints the Methodist view:
According to Wesley we are all saints and sinners at the same time!
Wesley believed that sin is a human problem that cannot be "fixed by humanity." Sin is the "spiritual forces of wickedness" and "evil powers of this world." Individuals commit sins--outwardly or inwardly as well as participate in structural social sin, e.g. racism.
While considered sinners, the universal, saving grace of God has been given to everyone. However, one must be awakened to the idea that one needs God, one is guilty and we are unable to solve our problem of sin alone.
Sanctification--holiness--requires Christians to be on guard 24-7 against "spiritual pride" and be "victorious over every temptation." Sanctification is something God does in every person by God's grace through faith. As believers, we trust four things; God has promised it; God is able to do it; God is able and willing to do it now; God does it and we feel the "fulfillment of biblical promise."
Saints and Sinners the Lutheran View:
*We are all saints and sinners at the same time!
*Sin is not just a label for our actions that are considered sinful, but sin in an evil force in our lives that we must remain aware of and constantly combat.
*In effect, our sins are never truly gone until we die. In the meantime, we constantly work at healing our sinful nature.
*Sin rules in use when we yield to it, but it serves us when we resist it because we grow to hate sinful temptations. Attacks of pride make us more humble and attacks of anger make us more gentle when we are working at healing our sinful nature by resisting sin.
*We do not deny or doubt that we are holy, but we credit our holiness solely to the will of God through Christ Jesus. Saintliness is not something we earn by doing good works, we have received it by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. This process of receiving holiness through Christ is called sanctification.
United Methodist Women News
"The Fisherman" by Larry Hunt Sperger is the winter book choice for our quarterly book club (all women of the church are invited to join in the book club), chosen by Denise Dolphin. Discussion date will be announced at a later date.
It has arrived! The Bazaar is December 5th from 8-2. Chair, Susan Rorex needs all hands to create and/or work the event. Letty Norcut is the chair of the bake sale and will gladly accept your fresh baked goods. Please price your donations of crafts and food prior to delivery, this is a great help to organizers. For those who work the event (and friends) a hot lunch will be provided.
December 12th is the Prayer Pal Revealing Potluck Lunch at Susan Rorex's. All women of the church are invited to attend. If you do not have a Prayer Pal and would like to be included in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift to exchange. New Prayer Pals will be assigned at the luncheon. If you wish to participate in the 2010 Prayer Pal Program, please contact Theresa Mavity.
The new officers for 2010 are at the ready--they are:
Debbie Stone, President
Denise Dolphin, Vice President
Mary Beene, Treasurer
Theresa Mavity, Secretary
Please give them your support as they carry the traditions of UMW. The first organizational meeting of the year will be Jan 9th, 2010 at 10am. There will be a budget presentation and review. Dates and activities for the year will also be discussed. This is an important meeting and we hope to see you there.
All the women (and some youth and men) of the church made 2009 a very successful year. I thank each and everyone of you for your generous contributions of time, talent and support and spirit. Keep up the good work!
Peace be with you, Trudy Rollison, Outgoing UMW President
Treasurer's Report
Monthly Budget needs: $8,333.92
October offerings
10/4 $2568.00
10/11 $2871.00
10/18 $2637.29
10/25 $2077.66
Oct. Totals $10,153.95
November offerings
11/1 $1127.25
11/8 $1858.45
11/15 $1093.62
We have paid a total of #3,167 toward the Pastor Pension portion of our apportionments,and the remainng balance is $1,610. There was $1,500 designated for the pension fund in October, but only $170 so far for November with 2 Sundays remaining.
Remember the challenge--only $25 per 40 families per month and we will have met the pastor pension portion of our obligation.
As always, if you have any questions or wish to see the montly financial statement, please feel free to callme at 623-4183.
Letty Norcutt
Friday, November 6, 2009
November Church Chat
"Where has all October gone, long time passing (to the tune of Where Have All the Flowers Gone )...except that it wasn't a "long time passing." I feel a good 'ol Midwest YIKES coming on. Did October blow by or what?! Whew! Church Conference, stewardship Sundays, meeting with the ordination committee, only topped the list. We are b-u-s-y folk. I sense it as we gather on Sundays, Spirit moving through, by, beside, down, over, between and among all of us. We have one another and God as we look to our future and make plans.
I mentioned during our church conference that I wanted this coming year for us to be intentional about creating a vision for our future as a church. Who do we really want to become? Do we hear God calling us in any particular direction? Does our mission statement truly reflect who we are as a congregation? Can we be more intentional about our collective faith development and formation? Could we take more risks in mission and outreach ministries? While we may have uncertainty about the answers, let us step out in faith as we come up with questions that will take us to new places in our hearts and in our minds and then figure out how to get there together.
I'll leave you with these words from St. Augustine:
You called, shouted broke through my deafness;
you flared, blazed, banished my blindness;
you lavished your fragrance, I gasped and now I pant for you;
I tasted you and I hunger and thirst;
You touched me and I burned for your peace.
Pastor Gayle
CAST Worship!
Tara will be offering a time of worship and discussion on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm beginning November 5th. The purpose of CAST (come and seek together) is to provide a safe place of worship and discussing faith for people in our community who have been separated from the church for whatever reason. The goal will not be to convert anyone to any particular denomination, but rather to open up the worship of God and community of God to people who may not feel like they have a place in traditional settings for worship and fellowship. Anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of their faith journey, or looking for a mid-week worship service, is also welcome to join us!
Tara is also wanting one volunteer each week to assist with CAST, so if you would be able and willing to help, please call her at the church.
The Saints Among Us and Who Went Before Us: a report from the middle school Sunday School Class
On "All Saints Day", November 1st, Kailynn Yetter and Chanse McAllister (Sunday School Students) conducted a brief interview with the adult Sunday School class asking them this question: can you tell us a person who you feel is a Saint? Either a person who has done God's work and passed on or a person living among us today.
Here are their wonderful answers:
*From Norm Burnett: Dr. Clifford Bacon, a man full of compassion.
*From Evelyn Harmon: Mother Theresa. She wasn't wealthy, but she helped so many people. she was compassionate and full of God.
*from Helen Burnett: Pearl Hennesy. she wasn't well, but put people on the right track and brought them to the light of God.
*from Evelyn Harmon: Josephine Elmore. She was such a good person, who had many tragedy's in her life. She helped so many people, and even when the pharmacy got messed up she never complained once!
*from Edna McBride, Norm & Helen Burnett, Evelynn Harmon: Pastor Gayle. She is a worker of God, who loves to help people and is such a fun upbeat person.
United Methodist Women
Denise Dolphin is leading the winter book choice. (all women of the congregation are welcome to participate) Her selection is to be announced in the near future.
UMW is seeking a President and Vice President for 2010. Other officers have volunteered to remain. The President is responsible for presiding over meetings, scheduling of events and forming a budget. If you are interested, please let Trudy Rollison or Pastor Gayle know.
The Holiday Bazaar is scheduled for December 5th. Susan Rorex volunteered to chair the Bazaar. Letty Norcutt offered to chair the Bake Sale. A lunch of soup, salad, bread and dessert is planned. A chair for the luncheon has not been identified.
On December 12th, Susan Rorex will host the Prayer Pal Revealing Potluck at noon. All women of the church are invited. A volunteer is being sought to send our invitations. If you do not have a Prayer Pal, but wish to participate, please bring a gift to exchange. Please keep gifts in the range of $10.
On December 13th at 4:00pm, all church members are invited to go caroling. There will be a chili feed afterward, sponsored in part by UMW.
The next meeting of UMW is November 14th at 10:00. The main focus of the meeting will be preparing for the Bazaar. Please consider making and donating homemade items. There is no limit and can include crafts and baked goods. All hands are needed for this major event.
If you are interested in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class that will tentatively start in Jan. 2010, please let Theresa Mavity (625-4760) or Linda Felton (623-1509) know. This class is a financial management class, covering everything from relationships with money, budgeting, saving, retirement, college planning, investments and more! It is appropriate for singles and couples of all ages and is open to anyone in the community. Spread the word!
Someone is wanted who will organize Christmas Caroling on the afternoon of December 13th at 3:00pm. Our hope is to carol at the Beehive, Harmony Manor and the homes of folk who don't get to church, e.g. Margaret Smith, the Engstroms, etc. Jeanette Jones has agreed to be our pianist at both the Manor and the Beehive. You do not have to sing to organize this event--and it's a one time donation of your time and energy. It will require contacting the Harmony Manor (they eat at 4pm) and the Beehive (don't know when their dinner is) letting them know we'd like to do this and the time we'd be coming over--3pm at the Manor and then the Beehive. We will go caroling outside the homes of some of our parishioners-- a capella caroling at that point. And of course, carolers would need to be recruited (think outside the UMC box. Recruit friends, Romans, Countrymen....) We may need to do a car pool or ride around in a horse trailer. Figuring out logistics is also part of the job. After caroling, we return to the Fellowship hall for chili and hot chocolate.
A Team of people is wanted. A Night Watch (December 31st) Team! We need a youth or two on this team also. What does the Night Watch Team do? Help organize our 2nd annual Night Watch Partay! Food, Fun, games, dancing, bingo, shows, etc. This is an evening for all: friends, Romans, Countrymen and women, children, youth. We will begin with a worship service around 7 or 7:30pm, and then begin our celebration. We need a "point" person who will recruit folk to make this another fun-filled evening.
See Pastor Gayle if you are interested.
If you are interested in working on things for the Christmas bazaar, or just want to get together with other creative people, please join these creative forces on Monday nights at 7:00pm at the church. The Crafters are a "hands on ministry" who, through the joy of working and learning together, comfort, strengthen and encourage each other. You are invited to participate every Monday, every other Monday or even just once a month.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing!
Why don't you consider becoming a "Seasonal" Singer as you join the choir fro Advent and Christmas. Choir practice is on Tuesdays, beginning at 7pm sharp! Contact Laura Pike for more information.
1. To meet with your 4x4 group this holiday season!
2. To pray for and bring care package items if you feel so moved for:
Luke Haaglund, Allen Mayo, Chris Sherbondy, Joe Clayton and Shannon Martin.
3. The annual Harvest Community Potluck! To be held at the LDS Church on November 18th at 6pm. Please bring a dish to share (turkey and beverages will be provided), AND a non-perishable food item for the Christmas basket giveaway at the Fairgrounds.
Food From the Saints!
A nice warm soup, some crusty bread and maybe a nice crisp salad...what could be better than that? Here is a quick and easy Shrimp Chowder to's yummy good and super easy.
Saute` a half cup sliced green onions and 2 chopped garlic cloves in 1 Tablespoon of butter, over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add 2 10-oz cans cream of potato soup, 1 1/2 soup cans of milk, 1 16-oz can whole kernel corn, drained, 8-oz cream cheese, 2 cups fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined, salt, pepper, and paprika or Old Bay Seasoning to taste. Bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Serve.
Trust me--yummy! Debbie Stone
Friday, October 2, 2009
October Church Chat
October is in the air. Ate the last of the peaches, bid the wonderful air conditioner a fond adieu until next summer, sauced up my tomatoes and green-tomatoed the rest! These rituals we perform without thinking mark the end of summer. I am thankful for the cool air and the moon seems a little more radiant. It’s all good.
This morning we got a postcard from the Box’s, who joined us late on Sunday---maybe for the last 15 minutes (they thought we started at 11A). They loved what they saw of the service and the jam for their journey. She writes: ‘…what a thoughtful way to send us on our journey.’ I didn’t even get a chance to meet them; they appeared well after the jam had been given and I about mowed Terri Marsh down and asked her to give them a jar of jam. A jar of jam reminds folks they are loved by some strangers. This is ministry! Some pick the fruit, some “jam” it, and others are the messengers---bringing the love to others starts with the picking of the fruit. We all participate in this act of love. God at work in us!
This road construction on the boulevard has been driving me crazy! Some ease in my life interrupted; can’t get to where I’m going very easily. Hmmm. Under construction… life interrupted, detours, long waits at the flashing stop lights and occasional wrong turns…sounds like life! God working in us: being under construction requires something of us. “What does the Lord require of you?” This kind of thinking can produce some fruit. Where is God working in your life? What’s under construction in you? How might your gifts, talents and treasures be doled out this year? Maybe you’ll need a “hard hat” to journey in this construction area. Be careful. Watch for the signs: CAUTION: God at work!
Pastor Gayle
Monthly financial need: $8,333.92
August giving $ 8,748.65
September giving (thru 9/25) $ 5,050.62
The August figure includes $1,000 from the UMW for pastoral support.
As you can see, we are over $3,000 short of meeting our needs for September, with
one more Sunday for collection.
The monthly giving has remained fairly consistent for the last year, and we are doing fine as far as keeping up with our program costs, but we have fallen far behind in our District
giving. Of grave concern to the finance committee is the fact that we are $2,580 behind as of 8/31/09 in paying the clergy pension and benefits.
The finance committee (and I believe the entire congregation) feels strongly about supporting our pastor, and this is one area that we have just not had the funds to cover. If you feel moved to assist with a donation over and above your regular giving, please note on your check "Pastor Pension" and put in the collection plate, and I'll see that those funds are set aside as designated. If you have any questions about the Church finances or would like to see any of my monthly reports to the administrative council, please don't hesitate to ask me.
Letty Norcutt
In September the United Methodist Women met for their annual Fall Brunch at the home of Kathryn McKinney, where they enjoyed good food and a lovely fellowship.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, October 10th, at 10:00am at the Church. The upcoming holiday bazaar will be the topic of discussion.
No, you aren't going crazy! This is a repeat from last month. BECAUSE--it's that important.
We will have plastic tubs at the church for dropping off items, gifts, cards to our military men and women.
The tubs will be labeled with names and ready on the first Sunday of October. PLEASE bring something to send to our soldiers. We will be mailing the October care packages on the 20th of the month.
Operation Care Package is underway.
The UMYF will be the "point people" for organizing care packages for military personnel connected with the church.
There are five families in our church family who have loved ones deployed overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq.
These young people are in dangerous situations, far away from home and lonely.
Along with your prayers, won't you join the UMYF in contributing to the care packages they will be sending each month to:
Luke Haaglund
Allen Mayo
Chris Sherbondy
Joe Clayton
Shannon Martin
You may drop the donations at the church or to Debbie Stone, and they will make their way to the UMYF, who will pack and mail the last week of each month.
A few tips for the packages:
* it is helpful if you are sending snacks to send the ones that are already individually packaged; that way they are ready to go in the cargo pockets for snacks during the day and going on convoys, etc.; anything that would melt real easy, like chocolate, is probably not a good idea to send* Ziploc baggies (a variety of sizes) come in very handy
* white running socks
* moderate size bottles (6 to 8 ounce) of lotion, shampoo, conditioner
* colorful and meaningful magnets; it adds a nice touch; or just magnets that the soldiers could hang pictures up with
* batteries came in very handy (AA, AAA, C, D)
* travel toothbrush and toothpaste; dental floss
* newly released books; the bases have lots of books floating around that people trade and share, but the brand new books that are hot off the press would be a nice surprise!
* baby wipes are wonderful; especially the ones that came individually packaged so they can just put a few in their pocket and use them throughout the day
* the really small containers of hand sanitizer that they could keep in their pockets
* the cool magnetic locker gear that they sell for kid's lockers at school, like the mirror and the pencil holder basket thing; anything that can go on the wall is helpful as it keeps stuff off the floor and desk in an already cramped space
* small pop-up laundry baskets like they sell in the kid's bathroom department at Target and Wal-Mart; the military issues laundry bags but they're rather bland and they don't let stuff air out too well which is important when you are sweating a lot!; they fold up really small too, which is good for when you're on the move

Many weekends throughout the spring, summer and fall, you can find WUMC members at Camp Kelly, working, eating, having fun!
Let's all think about joining them in the spring.
from Mary Beene
Gazpacho Soup
24 oz. tomato juice
1 - 14 1/2 oz. can whole tomatoes
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 sprig parsley, finely chopped (opt.)
1 cucumber, seeded and finely chopped
1 bell pepper, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely shredded (opt.)
2 oz. oil
2 oz. wine vinegar
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 t. garlic powder
Tabasco to taste
salt and pepper to taste
Chop tomatoes and add all other ingredients. Stir well. Chill at least six hours. Keep covered and always serve well chilled. Serves 6.
Care and Concern
Harold Gillihan found out he has cancer of the cheek and jaw a couple months ago. He was able to go for treatments in Seattle Washington. He has daily radiation treatments and weekly chemo treatments and after nearly 2 months, has almost completed this ordeal. He has days that are not so good but has done quite well on the treatments and we are all encouraged and hopeful that he will be his old self again very soon.
It goes without saying that the travel, lodging and other costs of long distance doctoring are extremely high. While Harold and Judy would never ask for help, they are the kind of people that are always more than willing to help others. We had an opportunity so give a little of what we have to make this very difficult time in their lives a bit easier for them.
We had a wonderful Chili Feed, benefit dinner for Harold and his family on August 29th. It was so wonderful that the Methodist Church offered to have the dinner in the basement. It was the perfect place. While we didn’t get an accurate count on how many attended, we estimated it was about 200. The out-pouring of love and support for Harold as his family was incredible. We had drawings for really nice raffle prizes after the dinner. These prizes were all donated by businesses and individuals who just wanted to support the family. We also had a video recording that was given to Harold so he could share in the support and love of the evening.
I am humbled by the incredible generosity shown by so many. Yes, of course, those that know the Gillihan family were happy to give. There were many others who attended that evening that do not know Harold and Judy, or at least not well. Still, you all came, and gave your support and love. We counted almost 8 thousand dollars on Saturday night to give to the family. We called to tell the prize winners that they had won, the main response was that they weren’t planning on winning anything, they just wanted to help.
It was wonderful to be a part of God’s Good Work that evening. I want to thank you for your help and support in this event. A single person could not have given much to make a difference but together we could and did! Thank you.
May cancer be wiped out in our lifetime.
Amy & Wayne Thompson
October Dates to Remember
7 Ed and Gail Andrews
30 Don and Mildred Engstrom
31 Jacob and Vernon Hernandez
1 Bill Harmon
2 Mackenzie Grady
3 Kelsey Gabrielson
David Root
8 Skip Mayo
10 Sean Nye
Jim Gratwohl
12 Molly Haaglund
Pete Yetter
17 Stephanie (Dolphin) Gillihan
18 Courtney Rorex
19 Logan Thomason
21 Letty Norcutt
22 Wayne Beene
28 Norman Burnett
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September Church Chat
Yikes! September is here and we begin the month with celebrating the arrival of our year- long intern, Taralyn de Cock. Tara attends Luther Seminary in Minneapolis and is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). (Read more about her in this month's chat.) I am thrilled to be working with her and you will be, too, as she brings a wealth of life experience to her time here with us. We will officially welcome her after church on September 13th.
Be prepared for some energy emanating from the Sunday school rooms as this year’s program gets under way. We have had great ideas about this year's program and are looking forward to our beginning on the 27th. Keep these dates in mind and plan on attending:
Saturday, September 11th
Organizational meeting 12 Noon @ the church
Sunday , September 27
Liturgy led by Youth and Mission Trippers!
Sunday school begins for K-6th (and for pre-schoolers if a teacher(s) is recruited.
Sunday, October 11
Sunday School teacher training 4PM @ the church
There is more to be revealed about our Sunday school program; we are considering a Children’s Church for 3-K’ers on Communion Sundays. This is very exciting and we will keep you updated through Chats and during announcements on Sundays…Like I said: more to be revealed.
It feels busy already as we anticipate budgets, changes in leadership on committees and our charge conference. I will be meeting with Gary Pope-Sears, our circuit leader, on the 1st to help him get an understanding of church life in Winnemucca. He will most likely be presiding over our charge conference this fall.
I am taking deep, deep breaths, reminding myself that God is with us always as we continue our work together. I feel such gratitude for you and the gifts you bring to the table. I am ever-mindful of the good works that come out of this community because of strong faith and our living in a world created and gifted by God. Keep breathing and notice God is at work here.
Pastor Gayle
I grew up in Helena, Montana, where I developed a huge appreciation for the outdoors and managed to cause only a little trouble before I graduated (1992) and went off to college. I received my B.S. from Montana State University (Bozeman) and then my M.S. from South Dakota State University (Brookings) both in Rangeland Management (i.e. Natural Resources Management). I then returned to Bozeman and worked in research and extension for the College of Agriculture at MSU for about 8 years. I really loved my job and I was totally spoiled there. I loved the interaction with ranchers, students and faculty and I loved traveling all over Montana to meet with people, do workshops, and spend days on end in hip waders collecting data on mountain streams! I had even begun a PhD program in 2002 and was progressing quite nicely, but I dropped that in the fall of 2004 when I could no longer ignore God calling me into ministry. About a month after I withdrew from my PhD program, I found out that I was going to be deployed to Iraq in less than five weeks! So, I had to put seminary plans on hold and change my focus for a little while. I was deployed with the Army National Guard from February 2005 through April of 2006. The last 12 months of that deployment I spent in Iraq. When I returned, I started working as a half-time Youth & Family Coordinator at Peace Lutheran Church in Belgrade, Montana, and began my seminary coursework as a distributive learner, taking courses online and going to campus two or three times a year for intensive courses. While working at Peace Lutheran, I met Dean and after he moved here in February of 2007 to begin working for Newmont, we began dating and we were married this past June. I have now moved to Winnemucca so Dean and I can begin our life together. I will continue with my seminary education from here. I would say that my main aspiration for ministry is connecting people to their spirituality and faith so that they may be freed to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. I am looking forward to this coming year as an intern at Winnemucca UMC. I plan to learn from all of you as you help me grow in my ministry!
Operation Care Package is underway.
The UMYF will be the "point people" for organizing care packages for military personnel connected with the church.
There are five families in our church family who have loved ones deployed overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq. These young people are in dangerous situations, far away from home and lonely.
Along with your prayers, won't you join the UMYF in contributing to the care packages they will be sending each month to:
Luke Haaglund
Allen Mayo
Chris Sherbondy
Joe Clayton
Shannon Martin
You may drop the donations at the church or to Debbie Stone, and they will make their way to the UMYF, who will pack and mail the last week of each month.
A few tips for the packages:
* it is helpful if you are sending snacks to send the ones that are already individually packaged; that way they are ready to go in the cargo pockets for snacks during the day and going on convoys, etc.; anything that would melt real easy, like chocolate, is probably not a good idea to send
* Ziploc baggies (a variety of sizes) come in very handy* white running socks* moderate size bottles (6 to 8 ounce) of lotion, shampoo, conditioner* colorful and meaningful magnets; itadds a nice touch; or just magnets that the soldiers could hang picturesup with
* batteries came in very handy (AA, AAA, C, D)
* travel toothbrush and toothpaste; dental floss
* newly released books; the bases have lots of books floating around thatpeople trade and share, but the brand new books that are hot off the presswould be a nice surprise!
* baby wipes are wonderful; especially the ones that came individuallypackaged so they can just put a few in their pocket and use them throughout the day* the really small containers of hand sanitizer that theycould keep in their pockets
* the cool magnetic locker gear that they sell forkid's lockers at school, like the mirror and the pencil holder basketthing; anything that can go on the wall is helpful as it keeps stuff offthe floor and desk in an already cramped space
* small pop-up laundry baskets like they sell inthe kid's bathroom department at Target and Wal-Mart; the military issueslaundry bags but they're rather bland and they don't let stuff air out toowell which is important when you are sweating a lot!; they foldup really small too, which is good for when you're on the move
Potluck Brunch Invitation
September 12th at 10:00
Host Kathryn McKinney
2 Colado Court
Hope to see you there!
At the current time the profit for the Rummage Sale this year was $4077. While this is slightly below last year, it is still a wonderful addition to the monies that the United Methodist Women use to support the church, both locally and around the world. This money is used to support mission programs, including the recent trip our youth took. We give to our general fund, our apportionments, the Ministerial Association, and many other projects in our church and community.
This would not be possible without the support of the whole church. Special thanks goes to Myrna Gallian for her expert leadership for this project. We also need to thank all who worked and donated their rummage and time for this effort. Pat each other on the back for a job well done!
Plan now to attend the 2009 Nevada/Sierra District
UMW Fall Celebration. Our speakers will be Connie
Hunter, CA/NV UMW Conference President, speaking on Mary
Elizabeth Inn and Susan Lee speaking on Gum Moon Inn.
Theme: "Women Serving Women" featuring "Tea Tales"
Suggested attire: Comfortable
DATE: September 26, 2009
PLACE: Sparks, NV UMC, 1131 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV
Church office 775-358-0925
TIME: Registration 8:00 AM Celebration begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:00
. REMINDER: Bring X-long twin sheet sets
(white preferably) for “Social Action Challenge
Deadline for registration September 15, 2009 Checks payable to NV/Sierra
District UMW. Send to Sherrill Sweeney, 12557 Highland Dr., Auburn, CA 95603, 530-886-8719, Child care available with advance notification.
The United Methodist Men will put on their annual fundraiser in conjunction with the County Fair on Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Buckaroo Breakfast will be served on the Nixon Lawn in front of the Convention Center from 7 AM until 10 AM on Saturday and Sunday, September 5th and 6th. Any volunteers would be welcome to help with preparation and serving, and all are encouraged to join us for a hearty meal or two. Cost is $7 per plate.
Strong and willing men are begged to gather at the church at 5 PM on Friday, September 4th to help with set-up.
Food from the Saints
A new column for foodies and those who eat food. Send your recipes to Deb Stone for entry in our October letter.
We’ll at least have one and maybe two.
Just Peachy
Laura Pike
Mix 1c. flour, ½ c butter and 2TBSP Butter til crumbly , then press into a 9/13 pan and Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Set aside
Mix together ½ c sugar, 3 TBsp peach gelatin and 3TBsp cornstarch. Add 1c. water, bring to boil, lower heat and stor til thickened. Add 4 c. peeled and sliced peaches. Let it come to room temperature. Spread over crust and refrigerate until set.
A dollop of whipped cream makes this dessert just peachy!
The Cornbread that was such a big hit at the Swim party made by Jonathan’s mom, Tricia:
2 cans drained kernel corn
2 cans creamed corn
2 Boxes Jiffy Cron Mix
2 STICKS of melted butter (Paula Dean would love this)
16 0z. sour cream
Mix and put in a 9by 13 pan that has been sprayed with veggie oil Bake @ 350 for 45 minutes---start watching it after 25 minutes as you don’t want it to get too brown.
Pastor Gayle
September Dates to Remember
1 Jake and Heather Rorex
25 Mike and Heather Andrews
3 Austin Mayo
7 Andrew Lane Crenshaw
9 Mary Beene
Denise Dolphin
10 Ryan Andrews
11 Josh Frisbee
12 Debra Carstensen
16 Susan (Shepler) Maloon
Macie Mavity
Shirley Evans
17 Paul Carter
Trudy Rollison
18 Sarah Gillihan
Erika Dunson
19 Cash Gillihan
23 John Matlock
25 Les Boni
27 Rick Norcutt
29 Mike Andrews
Church Happenings
1 Choir Practice 7p
2 Bible Study 5:30p
3 Bible Study 10:30p
7 Crafters 7p
8 Choir Practice 7p
9 Bible Study 5:30p
10 Bible Study 10:30a
12 UMW Fall Potluck 10:00a
13 UMCC 4p, Parsonage
14 Crafters 7p
15 Choir Practice 7p
16 Bible Study 5:30p
17 Bible Study 10:30a
18 Camp Kelly Closing
Community Garden Food
Hall 9-5
19 Camp Kelly Closing
Community Garden Food
Hall 9-5
20 Camp Kelly Closing
Methodist/Episcopal Service
21 Crafters 7p
22 Choir Practice 7p
23 Bible Study 5:30p
24 Bible Study 10:30a
25 Community Garden Food
Hall 9-5
26 Sam Yetter/Fischer wedding 3p
Community Garden Food
Hall 9-5
27 Sunday School Starts