Friday, October 2, 2009

October Church Chat



October is in the air. Ate the last of the peaches, bid the wonderful air conditioner a fond adieu until next summer, sauced up my tomatoes and green-tomatoed the rest! These rituals we perform without thinking mark the end of summer. I am thankful for the cool air and the moon seems a little more radiant. It’s all good.

This morning we got a postcard from the Box’s, who joined us late on Sunday---maybe for the last 15 minutes (they thought we started at 11A). They loved what they saw of the service and the jam for their journey. She writes: ‘…what a thoughtful way to send us on our journey.’ I didn’t even get a chance to meet them; they appeared well after the jam had been given and I about mowed Terri Marsh down and asked her to give them a jar of jam. A jar of jam reminds folks they are loved by some strangers. This is ministry! Some pick the fruit, some “jam” it, and others are the messengers---bringing the love to others starts with the picking of the fruit. We all participate in this act of love. God at work in us!

This road construction on the boulevard has been driving me crazy! Some ease in my life interrupted; can’t get to where I’m going very easily. Hmmm. Under construction… life interrupted, detours, long waits at the flashing stop lights and occasional wrong turns…sounds like life! God working in us: being under construction requires something of us. “What does the Lord require of you?” This kind of thinking can produce some fruit. Where is God working in your life? What’s under construction in you? How might your gifts, talents and treasures be doled out this year? Maybe you’ll need a “hard hat” to journey in this construction area. Be careful. Watch for the signs: CAUTION: God at work!

Pastor Gayle


Monthly financial need: $8,333.92

August giving $ 8,748.65
September giving (thru 9/25) $ 5,050.62
The August figure includes $1,000 from the UMW for pastoral support.

As you can see, we are over $3,000 short of meeting our needs for September, with
one more Sunday for collection.
The monthly giving has remained fairly consistent for the last year, and we are doing fine as far as keeping up with our program costs, but we have fallen far behind in our District
giving. Of grave concern to the finance committee is the fact that we are $2,580 behind as of 8/31/09 in paying the clergy pension and benefits.
The finance committee (and I believe the entire congregation) feels strongly about supporting our pastor, and this is one area that we have just not had the funds to cover. If you feel moved to assist with a donation over and above your regular giving, please note on your check "Pastor Pension" and put in the collection plate, and I'll see that those funds are set aside as designated. If you have any questions about the Church finances or would like to see any of my monthly reports to the administrative council, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Letty Norcutt



In September the United Methodist Women met for their annual Fall Brunch at the home of Kathryn McKinney, where they enjoyed good food and a lovely fellowship.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, October 10th, at 10:00am at the Church. The upcoming holiday bazaar will be the topic of discussion.


No, you aren't going crazy! This is a repeat from last month. BECAUSE--it's that important.

We will have plastic tubs at the church for dropping off items, gifts, cards to our military men and women.
The tubs will be labeled with names and ready on the first Sunday of October. PLEASE bring something to send to our soldiers. We will be mailing the October care packages on the 20th of the month.

Operation Care Package is underway.

The UMYF will be the "point people" for organizing care packages for military personnel connected with the church.

There are five families in our church family who have loved ones deployed overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq.

These young people are in dangerous situations, far away from home and lonely.
Along with your prayers, won't you join the UMYF in contributing to the care packages they will be sending each month to:

Luke Haaglund
Allen Mayo
Chris Sherbondy
Joe Clayton
Shannon Martin

You may drop the donations at the church or to Debbie Stone, and they will make their way to the UMYF, who will pack and mail the last week of each month.

A few tips for the packages:

* it is helpful if you are sending snacks to send the ones that are already individually packaged; that way they are ready to go in the cargo pockets for snacks during the day and going on convoys, etc.; anything that would melt real easy, like chocolate, is probably not a good idea to send* Ziploc baggies (a variety of sizes) come in very handy

* white running socks

* moderate size bottles (6 to 8 ounce) of lotion, shampoo, conditioner

* colorful and meaningful magnets; it adds a nice touch; or just magnets that the soldiers could hang pictures up with

* batteries came in very handy (AA, AAA, C, D)

* travel toothbrush and toothpaste; dental floss

* newly released books; the bases have lots of books floating around that people trade and share, but the brand new books that are hot off the press would be a nice surprise!

* baby wipes are wonderful; especially the ones that came individually packaged so they can just put a few in their pocket and use them throughout the day

* the really small containers of hand sanitizer that they could keep in their pockets

* the cool magnetic locker gear that they sell for kid's lockers at school, like the mirror and the pencil holder basket thing; anything that can go on the wall is helpful as it keeps stuff off the floor and desk in an already cramped space

* small pop-up laundry baskets like they sell in the kid's bathroom department at Target and Wal-Mart; the military issues laundry bags but they're rather bland and they don't let stuff air out too well which is important when you are sweating a lot!; they fold up really small too, which is good for when you're on the move



Many weekends throughout the spring, summer and fall, you can find WUMC members at Camp Kelly, working, eating, having fun!
Let's all think about joining them in the spring.

from Mary Beene

Gazpacho Soup

24 oz. tomato juice
1 - 14 1/2 oz. can whole tomatoes
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 sprig parsley, finely chopped (opt.)
1 cucumber, seeded and finely chopped
1 bell pepper, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely shredded (opt.)
2 oz. oil
2 oz. wine vinegar
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 t. garlic powder
Tabasco to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Chop tomatoes and add all other ingredients. Stir well. Chill at least six hours. Keep covered and always serve well chilled. Serves 6.


Care and Concern

Harold Gillihan found out he has cancer of the cheek and jaw a couple months ago. He was able to go for treatments in Seattle Washington. He has daily radiation treatments and weekly chemo treatments and after nearly 2 months, has almost completed this ordeal. He has days that are not so good but has done quite well on the treatments and we are all encouraged and hopeful that he will be his old self again very soon.

It goes without saying that the travel, lodging and other costs of long distance doctoring are extremely high. While Harold and Judy would never ask for help, they are the kind of people that are always more than willing to help others. We had an opportunity so give a little of what we have to make this very difficult time in their lives a bit easier for them.

We had a wonderful Chili Feed, benefit dinner for Harold and his family on August 29th. It was so wonderful that the Methodist Church offered to have the dinner in the basement. It was the perfect place. While we didn’t get an accurate count on how many attended, we estimated it was about 200. The out-pouring of love and support for Harold as his family was incredible. We had drawings for really nice raffle prizes after the dinner. These prizes were all donated by businesses and individuals who just wanted to support the family. We also had a video recording that was given to Harold so he could share in the support and love of the evening.

I am humbled by the incredible generosity shown by so many. Yes, of course, those that know the Gillihan family were happy to give. There were many others who attended that evening that do not know Harold and Judy, or at least not well. Still, you all came, and gave your support and love. We counted almost 8 thousand dollars on Saturday night to give to the family. We called to tell the prize winners that they had won, the main response was that they weren’t planning on winning anything, they just wanted to help.

It was wonderful to be a part of God’s Good Work that evening. I want to thank you for your help and support in this event. A single person could not have given much to make a difference but together we could and did! Thank you.

May cancer be wiped out in our lifetime.

Amy & Wayne Thompson


October Dates to Remember

7 Ed and Gail Andrews
30 Don and Mildred Engstrom
31 Jacob and Vernon Hernandez

1 Bill Harmon
2 Mackenzie Grady
3 Kelsey Gabrielson
David Root
8 Skip Mayo
10 Sean Nye
Jim Gratwohl
12 Molly Haaglund
Pete Yetter
17 Stephanie (Dolphin) Gillihan
18 Courtney Rorex
19 Logan Thomason
21 Letty Norcutt
22 Wayne Beene

28 Norman Burnett